5 TechniquesHackers Use To Attack Your Data

In this age of technology, vast chunks of your personal information are available on the web. Some of this data is shared by choice, while some sectionsare provided as a necessity since a number of firms and software programs with which we interact daily now runonline. We don’t realize that the more information we enter on the web, the more susceptible we are to data theft and hacker attacks. If a part of this information falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to disastrous results, and with a growth in online banking, online data theft can also result inserious financial damage.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!This article explains some of the most commonmethods hackers use to break into online data vaults and steal your personal information. If we know these techniques, we can proactively protect ourselves against such attacks. Following are five techniques hackers use to attack your data:
1. SQL Injection
IT Experts like Mustard IT (visit their website) consider an SQL injection attack by hackers as the most lethal and devastating attack on web-based systems. A dynamic website is more than a simple HTML code offered by the web server. Almost all the websites we see have a database in the backend.
To execute an SQL injection attack, hacker inputs an SQL command in a field meant for any other information, i.e., a search string. A professionally designed website examines all the input data submitted on the site and identifies any command that isn’t valid. But, if the command is detected as properly constructed, it will be detected by the system as an invalid query. Hence, the system will show the name of its database, tables, and key fields. The hackers can continue on such lines and reach the data contained in the fields.
2. Network Scanning
The hackers use ping sweeps followed by port scanners to see if the hostis connected to the network. The tools mentioned above will ask the host to reveal the operating system and the services used. After such inquiries, the output can be used as a basis for more advanced attacks against specific versions that run on your system.
The only protection against these attacks is achieved through firewalls and keeping up with your patches. You may also use an intrusion detection systemthat notifies you every time someonetries to scan your system.
3- Un-patched Services Exploited
Despite all the innovations and development in the software industry, the fact remains that the patches for these software programsare written by humans and, therefore, at times, carry flaws. Software companies continuously work on their products, and as soon as they detect a flaw in a program,they release a patch on the web for users to download and update the software.
But, if a hacker detects these flaws before the software developers or before you download the updates, they can break into your system through the defective program. The trick is to update your programs and make them foolproof regularly.
4- Default Passwords and Logins Attacked
Nowadays, all your hardware comes with a default username and password. Administrators often use this login information to reachyour devices. Hackers quickly gain access to the entire system if the default login info isn’t changed. Therefore, the first step you should take after installing any new device to your system is to change its default username and password.
It is also wise to adopt advanced techniques such as two-factor authentication to make your passwords stronger besides using password generators. Almost all companies now authenticate your approval by sending a text on your phone or calling you.
5- Social Engineering
Human beings intrinsically have a tendency to trust fellow humans. Hackers often exploit this trait by tricking users into giving away the information required to access their accounts. Usually, they disguise themselves as your friends or representatives of a company, making you give away your personal details.
The only protection against such attacks is to be vigilant and always demand an id and confirmation of the individual before giving away your information. Make sure you do not fall prey to such people.
There isn’t any doubt that new ways to commit crimes evolve with technological advancements and other social aspects. In the present age, password crackers are the new robbers and thieves. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that we familiarize ourselves with the methods they use to steal our data.Big companies can also take the help of ethical hackers to make their systems foolproof and avoid hacking attacks.