Vladimir Cizelj, and Vlatacom Cybersecurity Solutions

Present-day collaboration and business are almost unimaginable without information communication technology systems (ICT). An indispensable part of ICT is ICT security also known as cybersecurity. Moreover, cybersecurity refers to all the measures, solutions, and procedures that aim to protect information and communication systems against cyber attacks. The volume of information and data exchange is increasing by the second and so are the attempts to misuse them. For those reasons, technology providers like Vladimir Cizelj, the founder of Vlatacom Institute, create ICT security solutions that help governments and organizations protect their critical assets.
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The new reality and cybersecurity
Cybersecurity encompasses technology, infrastructure, security procedures, and security measures deployed to protect systems against cyber attacks. These digital threats including unauthorized access, malware and ransomware, cryptojacking, and other intrusions all aim to collect critical data. Furthermore, getting hold of sensitive business information and government intelligence can destabilize entire organizations or worse, compromise national safety.
This does not come as a surprise. As the playing or interaction field has become digitized, malicious parties have also been keeping up with the developments. In the past years, we have witnessed a proliferation of digital attacks and data breaches. That is why it is more important than ever to create a bullet-proof ICT security strategy that has to be implemented and upgraded with the new digital technology simultaneously.
The good news is that high-profile organizations, corporations, governments, and all-size enterprises for that matter are aware of the importance of cybersecurity. Additionally, they are turning to technology solution providers that have the capacity to meet the ever-rising challenges. What’s more, partnerships with companies and institutes from the private sector such as Vlatacom have become a standard in all industries.
Vladimir Cizelj, PhD, and Vlatacom Institute
It all started back in 1997 when Vladimir Cizelj, PhD, founded Vlatacom Ltd. as a private company. As an engineer, innovator, scientist, and entrepreneur, Vladimir Cizelj was recognized by Motorola, and his company became the official Motorola system integration company in Serbia.
Vladimir Cizelj’s quest for innovation and business excellence led his company and team to become one of the first ICT security research and development centers certified by the Serbian Ministry of Science in 2011. In 2015, Vlatacom established itself as the first private ICT security R&D Institute in the country.
The success of Vladimir Cizelj and his team of over 150 highly qualified experts have won numerous awards over the years. All of the recognitions serve as an additional explanation for Vlatacom being the trusted technology partner of governments and organizations across Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
ICT security technology
Vlatacom Institute has distinguished itself as a leader in creating solutions and integrating security systems. The Institute’s main focus is on government security technology which includes encryption and authentication, biometrics, public safety communication systems, and traffic control and management and safe city solutions.
As mentioned before, the reliability and security of their technology is what made them technology partners of high-level organizations. Speaking of the solutions themselves, there are several that stand out.
Vlatacom National Crypto Center (NCC) is the foundation of any ICT security system at corporate and state levels. It is the central system where operations such as digital identity management, device authentication, e-government services, and cryptographic key creation are performed.
Additionally, the True Random Number Generator (vTRNG) and Key Distribution System (vKDD) are part of NCC and are used for the creation and distribution of cryptographic keys for and to various end devices. To meet the demands of fiber optics and high-volume digital systems, Vlatacom designed their Reliable Communication Channel (vREBECCA).
Personal Crypto Platform (vPCP-V) and Personal Crypto Platform for File encryption and Cloud collaboration (vPCP-FC) have to be mentioned as well. Both are used for creating secure communication exchange channels and are also integral parts of complex ICT security systems.
It is said that a system is as strong as its weakest link. That is why innovation is woven in each and every Vlatacom solution because all of them together build the integrity of a security system.
Final remarks
Cybersecurity is the new reality and a necessity in any modern system that relies on ICT. To safeguard critical information assets, governments and corporations turn to technology providers. Vladimir Cizelj, PhD, and Vlatacom Institute turn to innovation and expertise to deliver solutions that can achieve these security goals. They engineer cutting edge devices and systems that prevent and deter perpetrators from attacking national and private systems. Moreover, all individual pieces of the security system are highly important for its integrity. As a result, collaborations with technology providers will continue to rise as societies turn to cyberspace. Innovation and hands-on experience are what Vladimir Cizelj and Vlatacom Institute have to offer and those are the two things cybersecurity rests on.