What is Silent Marketing?

When you talk about marketing, the thought that comes to your mind is of frequent commercials, garish posters, annoying messages, and non-stop emails. In short, marketing is synonymous with noise – persistent and bothersome.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Thus, you find that innovative marketing research suggests that you listen to your clientele. To give your customers what they want, you first have to listen, understand, and finally cater to the market’s needs.
According to some, silent marketing is counterintuitive. The marketing man believes that consumers don’t know what they want, that you have to create demand, and that you have to grab the consumer’s attention. Furthermore, marketing is only possible if you are loud, glaring, or repetitive.
But, the field of marketing has made advancements of its own. You’ll find that large corporations and multinationals are now reforming their marketing strategies and investing in the introduction of silent marketing, you can read more at Ram Research but here’s a detailed overview.
What Is Silent Marketing?
The fundamental law that governs modern capitalist society is that ‘you’ll only get what you want if you help others get what they want.’ So, in silent marketing, you don’t irritate the consumer.
You remain silent and listen to the consumer. There are no attempts made to create hype through manipulation or sensationalism. The focus of silent marketing is to communicate ‘what is’ rather than ‘what you can’t live without.’
It centers around consumer needs. You hear out your consumer, comprehend their requirements, and empathize. And, through empathy, you can engage the consumer’s interest as well as emotions. Recent research shows that when companies use ‘non-marketing’ strategies to connect with their consumers, they manage to create emotional bonds.
And, the stronger the emotional connection between consumer and company, the greater the consumer loyalty. Thus, silent marketing connects the client to the company and not the product.
Silent marketing doesn’t come across as selfish. It’s safe to say that silent marketing is all about ‘market focus.’ For example, P&G advertised about washing hands with soap to prevent Coronavirus. It didn’t talk about its brands, but the sales of their handsoaps soared – an excellent example of a non-marketing strategy.
There are a few things that govern silent marketing and highlighted below are some of these concepts:
● Letting Integrity Guide You
When you want to connect with the client on a personal level, you have to give priority to the things that are important to them. Hence, you find products advertising about its eco-friendly or disposable packaging or organic ingredients. The attempt is to communicate with the consumer rather than make a sale.
And, ‘honesty is the best policy,’ so when you had Johnson’s and Johnson’s apologize in their advertising campaign about the use of harsh chemicals in their products and promise to improve their quality, their sales faltered and went up again.
● Put Service Above All Else
Most organizations make attempts to increase sales and cut costs to make profits. Now, business enterprises have come full circle to give head-way to the customer. So, Costco investing in sales training of its employees for better customer service, have more satisfied customers, and more profits.
● Offer Value For Money
One of the giants of the entertainment business is Netflix. They were able to achieve that because they provide what the consumer wants. For years, people watched movies on television with a long series of commercials. And, they whined about how they had no other option.
Netflix became an instant hit as they made it a point to provide the consumer with what they wanted and made it an enjoyable experience by providing an enormous list of movie categories. You can even pause and play the movie according to your convenience, and each member of the family gets movie recommendations based upon their viewing. Thus, adding great value for money.
● Make A Solid Foundation
It’s important to understand that when there is trust between the consumer and the company, the company will always be successful. Experience and expertise is a requirement for consumer trust. So, Coca Cola had 650 drinking facilities built in Egypt and supports numerous initiatives in India to improve schooling facilities.
These are some of the more successful examples of silent marketing. The companies that took the time to figure out that the consumers want to ‘love to buy’ your product rather than ‘just need’ those products inevitably increase their profits.
In Conclusion
In recent times, you’ll find that companies take a proactive approach towards marketing and advertising campaigns. Giving the customer what they want and understanding consumer needs take precedence over making sales.
Furthermore, research shows that the pioneers of silent marketing have managed to create a deep bond with their consumers. And, increase a positive company image as well as improve sales. So, maybe it’s time to stop shouting and start listening to everyone.