What Makes 60s Trivia A Perfect Board Game Theme?

With the holiday season almost on us and winter approaching in full swing, people are no longer interested in being outdoors. Moreover, the COVID pandemic has driven us all indoors, including the older adults who love 60s trivia board games for its quaintness and because it helps recollect old memories.
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Did you know that board gaming is not new? It has quite a long, exciting history, going back to ancient times. Baby boomers have seen it all and are keenly following the fantastic changes that have taken place throughout their lifetime. This unique generation born between 1946 and 1964 got the prefix boom because of the sudden increase in birth rates after many soldiers who survived WWII returned and started making families.
The youth of the 60s loved playing chutes & ladders, also popularly known as snakes & ladders. This engaging board game is a lot older and was played much earlier. Although Milton Bradley first published it in 1943, the game’s origin can be traced back to 200 BC, when it was played in ancient India. It was a favorite in the courts of Indian kings, who loved to play this game with their queens in private, and their ministers while in court.
Baby Boomers, the Largest Generation Once
Baby boomers were probably America’s largest generation as their numbers peaked at 79 million by 1999, making them a generation to reckon with then. It was only in 2019 that their children surpassed them in numbers. Nevertheless, this 60s generation still influences the culture today.
Despite boomer touchstones like a buggy whip, drive-in movies, vinyl records, and coin-operated phone booths having vanished from the scene, they are all making a comeback, thanks to the 60s trivia board games that help rekindle old memories.
The Indulgences Then
The joy of watching The Pink Panther or Parent Trap from the cozy confines of your car that you drove into a drive-in movie is a nostalgic memory for most of you boomers. Most of the seniors of today are turning to trivia board games.
The Hiring Policies that Include Boomers
Today’s hiring policies include “hiring for diversity,” which usually means hiring more female employees and males. However, the trend now includes age as a diversity factor, which probably inspired the movie The Intern that had the famous one-liner “Experience never gets old.” The US Labor Force by Generation chart indicates that boomers and Gen Xers are still in demand and are being hired. The baby boomers also love to play 60s trivia board games, like Boom Again, with their peers.
The Important Events of the 60s
The Beatles
Like today’s craze for 60s trivia board games, the frenzy then was known as “Beatlemania”, thanks to The Beatles’ popularity, who enjoyed unmatched stardom worldwide in the early 60s. Beatles fans exist to this day and are scattered all over the globe. It’s a different matter that many of these fans are busy keeping themselves safe during the current COVID pandemic by turning to board games in their old age.
Loving Day, June 12
Thanks to Mildred and Richard Loving, today Loving Day is celebrated on June 12 across the country. The couple broke all taboos and laws then and took their case to the Supreme Court to challenge the law banning interracial marriages.
Today, there probably are many such senior couples who love playing trivia board games and stay in touch with their friends.
The First Colour Program on TV
Trivia board game enthusiasts will undoubtedly recall Bonanza, one of the early television programs they got to watch in colour. Of course, you had to have a colour TV (most people owned black & white televisions those days) or visit a friend or neighbor who owned one if you wanted to watch Bonanza in colour.
The Mailman’s Visits
The yesteryear folks who play trivia board games to pass their time today will remember the mailman visiting them twice a day. Of course, you had to have some mail in your name for the mailman to knock on your door or ring your doorbell to deliver it. Early boomers will remember that the mailman delivered mail twice a day to all homes until 1950. Today, we have emails that have made life a lot easier.
Summing it Up
There is no doubting the fact that trivia board games are viral today. They have given us unique communities and have helped create lasting bonds. Trivia games help keep us mentally alert and help increase our word power by enhancing our vocabulary. No wonder then that today that trivia makes a perfect board game today and helps keep us safe during these trying COVID pandemic times.