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How hard can it be to complete coursework when the supervisor constantly returns it for revision, each time noting new shortcomings? This problem is faced not only by a “novice” who is carrying out a student project for the first time but also by a completely “experienced” senior student.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!The point of view of the student and the supervisor may not coincide with respect to the quality of the material, the angle of the study (what exactly and how should be considered), as well as in terms of experience and literacy, professionalism.
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What to do if the supervisor returned the course work, noting the shortcomings and the need to eliminate them? Don’t despair. It’s almost impossible to complete a project perfectly the first time. Today we will tell you how to perceive the curator’s comments and effectively eliminate them.
Cheap Essays and the Role of Comments in a Term Paper?
So, the supervisor returned the project to you, noting the shortcomings in it. How to perceive this move when you have to go with him in the same harness? After all, the quality of the research, the assessment for it, affects not only the student’s academic performance and his reputation but also the teacher’s work.
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Why Are the Term Papers Being Sent for Revision?
In fact, there is nothing critical in the revision. The curator helps you to complete your term assignment efficiently, to make it better. He can note not only errors in the essay but also certain non alignments in a professional sense, suggest which methods or solutions will be better, optimal, etc. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to each remark, understand what the supervisor requires of you, and correct the situation.
What comments do students most often receive during the course work?
[Read More: How to write better? 5 tips]
Mistake # 1. Registration
In 90% of cases, the work is returned to the author for revision due to errors in the design. Particular attention should be paid to the bibliography, references, and footnotes. It is in these elements that the main part of errors occurs. Work on the design of the term assignments. cheap essay writing service can help you make everything correctly.
Mistake # 2. Literature
We are not talking about a bibliographic list, but directly about those sources that formed the basis of the study. In particular, the most general requirement for information sources when performing student work is their relevance and reliability. In most cases, a specific point is indicated in the methodological recommendations of the college: the date of publication of the material should be no more than 3-5 years.
This does not mean that the student cannot use archival data or old textbooks. It is important to understand that materials published more than 5 years ago can be used as “auxiliary material” (for example, to disclose definitions, terms, etc.). The main resources should be fresh, reflect the real picture, the current state of affairs in science/industry, etc.
How to correctly draw up a list of references?
Don’t just fix the publication date of the material. Teachers and experts have been working in this area for decades and know exactly what was published and when.
Mistake number 3. Structure and content
It is important not only to collect all the material found in one work but also to structure it correctly. Moreover, the content of each subparagraph and chapter must correspond to the title. No docking, inconsistencies of material, and titles are inadmissible. It is important to briefly and succinctly reveal each postulate in order to fully study the research topic.
It should be noted that grammatical and spelling errors are rarely highlighted (only the most obvious ones that are striking). But this does not mean that a student can write a term paper illiterate, professionalism should be manifested in everything.
To make the improvements to a minimum, it is important to initially follow all the recommendations of the supervisor, as well as comply with methodological recommendations of the university. That is why, sometimes, the best option is to find an affordable essay writing service such as to help you comply with each point.