Why National Farmers Day Marked on 23rd December

As we all know that December 23rd is celebrated as National Farmers Day. It was declared by our government of India to mark December 23rd as the Farmers Day in the year 2001.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!And it had been a prestigious celebration of event on this occasion of National Farmers Day and here we need to know one more thing that was our ChaudharyCharanSingh (titled as farmers leader by people) the former PM of our country is having his birthday on the same date on December 23 and he made it particular that as the National Farmers Day.
On this day our government is making many knowledge transfer programs which include many useful and innovative seminars and debates and these events are mostly held in the states which are having more farming dependent as the backbone not only to their states but also to the whole country and taking this responsibility, the government is taking more care about these states like Madya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh mostly and this is why there are many useful agricultural activities to increase the productivity and welfare of farmers.
Zamindari Abolition Bill-1952
This is the first zamindari act that is passed after independence as there are many people who had suffered a lot by many issues of the zamindari system and they were being controlled to work in the farms and this made farmers more suffered without proper support to fight back for their rights and this was made come true in the year of ChaudharyCharan Singh’s time and this made many of the farmers like 30 lakhs of farmers and crop workers got their land back into their hand with legal ownership rights over their land and this made benefited to around 62 lakhs acres of land got back to regular cultivation by this Zamindari Abolition Bills.
ChaudharyCharan Singh and his works of welfare
Charansingh is born on 23rd December 1902 in a Noorpur named village which comes into Hapur district in Uttar Pradesh and he made his freedom fight by the motivation of Gandhiji and made many welfare activities since 1931 where he was sent to jail once at Ghaziabad District AryaSamaj and secondly at Meerut District Indian National Congress by the British, and after that, he got elected as the member of the legislative assembly in the year 1937 and there he got to know about the laws that needed to be fixed for village welfares and he made himself stand with perfect knowledge to reduce the exploitation that is happing in the hands of landlords and many tillers and during the time of 1952 to 1967 he became one of the three principal leaders of the state congress politics in Uttar Pradesh.
And later he found to be holding for the tight government on its spending and enforced consequences for corrupt officers and this made him not to compromise his values and policies and made himself out from the congress on 1st April 1967 and became the first chief minister of Uttar Pradesh as a non-congress leader.