We got some smart ways on anime eyes easily

As most of the people spend some time on their loving interests and will try to make that more beautiful by making a clear way about learning with specialized methods, so here we got to discuss the art of drawing images, this can be a very interesting hobby to make our souls interact with our nature using some medium to communicate about the intensity of feeling, and the medium can be like many arts to represent the feeling out, and historian mentioned that artists are the gift souls on the earth, so most of the people who some deep interest of drawing something beautiful on a piece of paper as beginner, we got some smart ways to start by drawing anime eyes, as we all know that anime eyes are highly attractive in its diagram and most of the people were searching out about how to draw anime eyes is the most interesting topic that is being asked by most of my friends and today we are going make it easy with following some simple steps to draw anime eyes female.
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As we know that the eyes to have a great way of expressing emotion to show, so particularly in this anime eyes, we are going to make all of them represent with different types of emotions that can simply represent in the anime eyes by drawing it, so here we all need to keep some basic set of rules to be followed to while shaping anime eyes, so initially we need to have a clear note on what type of emotion we are trying to represent also we need to decide that w whether male or female eyes are going to be represented here in this anime eyes. After making a fixed decision on everything we can just start beginning the process to draw anime eyes.
So here we got to go in a process of levels like starting from lash lines, iris, pupil and shading layers need to be undergone to complete a particular anime girl eyes with clear perfection.
Step 1: Initially we need to start by drawing the upper and lower lash line of the anime girl eyes, so we need to make a line of the curve for making the upper lash line and again we need to add a curved tail at another end.
Step 2: Confused with the first, so simply this is nothing but adds a curved line in reverse on the top and just adds a small straight line in the bottom so this can be like we got the outer part for the anime girl eyes.
Step 3: draw a circle touching both upper curves as well as lower line and in that oval circle make a medium oval circle like a black pupil in the anime girl eyes, then add one small circle slightly touching on the pupil on the right side top in the big oval circle and add another small circle at the left side bottom slightly touching the pupil and make the necessary darkening with the pencil for all the curves and oval circle respectively by taking any of the references from the internet, that’s it about how to draw anime eyes in simple steps.