Fortnite Season 8 Coming Soon: Optimize Season 7 Experience with Mission Kits

The Fortnite Season 7 Battle Pass is expiring soon, so you might want to focus most of your energy maxing out on as much experience as you can. With Season 8 coming out in September, completing Weekly Quests is going to be your best bet, and it will allow some solid opportunities to earn Battle Stars, as well.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!In Week 13, Legendary Quests are a great way to earn some additional XP before the next season begins. One of the newer challenges involves you opening mission kits before dropping a jammer on the outer section of an IO base in a given match. If you’re a bit fuzzy on some easy ways to do that, you’ve come to the right place.
Where are the Mission Kits in Fortnite
There are several locations for mission kits, and the first one we’ll talk about today is the one found at NPC Marigold. This one is fairly easy to do since three of them are located at Corny Complex. The mission kit spots near the Corny Complex are as follows:
- You can find one under a tree behind the red barn
- There is another one on the dirt trail by the red bard
- The last one can be found near a shack to the east of the red barn
The bright side is that you only need find one of the three mission kits in this area to accomplish the Weekly Quest. They glow a holographic bluish color, so they aren’t that hard to collect if you are in the right spots. You can make your way through the next part of the Fortnite Legendary Quest whenever you are done with that. That involves placing a jammer in the right location at Corny Complex.
Placing the Jammer Outside the IO base in Fortnite
As mentioned before, you only need one of the mission kits found at Corny Complex to move on to the next section. The easy part is that you don’t have to go far since the IO base is already nearby, and you should automatically receive a jammer when you collected the mission kit.
Head that way and drop the jammer between the two windows of the mansion to receive credit for the quest. You can also place the jammer next to the windmill or behind the red barn. You will receive 30,000 XP for completing the quest when you’re done placing those jammers.
Other ways to boost experience in Fortnite for Season 8 and beyond
It’s okay if you missed this Legendary Quest because many more are to come in Season 8 and beyond. However, you still have the task of finding new ways to optimize your time as a Fortnite player. There are ways for you to maximize your rank climbing sessions, and there are a few honorable mentions below that might help you on your journey.
Party Assist can help complete challenges faster
The first section was mostly about completing Weekly Quests and challenges to earn experience. They can be beneficial when climbing ranks. However, it can be very time-consuming if you don’t know the best routes and paths for success. With the Party Assist function in Fortnite, you can maximize your time and completed those challenges much faster than you can alone.
Progress made during “with friends” modes, including Duos, Trios, or Squads, will be shared between all the players on that team. This means that if you have a Legendary quest that requires 25 headshots in total, the requirements for completing that task are now quartered if you have an entire squad. You would only need to contribute six headshots versus having to do the whole 25 by yourself, quartering the time committed to that one task.
Grind out those Fortnite Milestones
So, Epic removed Milestones in Fornite, but they have since reincorporated the feature back into normal gameplay in Season 7. That means you can earn experience by chasing those Milestones to get more experience, similar to how the previously featured Punch Cards used to work.
A lot of the Milestones in Fortnite aren’t that difficult to complete. In fact, most of them will happen automatically through normal gameplay. For example, the distance you drive a vehicle, and the amount of a particular item you’ve destroyed are included in the list of tracked Milestones. Below is a list of Fortnite Season 7 Milestones:
- Chop down trees (100 / 250 / 500 / 1000 / 2500)
- Complete bounties (5 / 25 / 50 / 75 / 100)
- Consume foraged items (10 / 50 / 100 / 250 / 500)
- Deal damage from above (1000 / 5000 / 10000 / 25000 / 50000)
- Destroy shrubs (25 / 50 / 100 / 250 / 500)
- Destroy stones (25 / 100 / 250 / 500 / 1000)
- Don disguises (3 / 25 / 50 / 100 / 200)
- Hunt animals (10 / 50 / 250 / 500 / 1000)
- Ignite structures with fire (25 / 50 / 100 / 250 / 500)
- Melee eliminations (5 / 25 / 50 / 75 / 100)
- Mod vehicles (1 / 3 / 10 / 25 / 50)
- Search ice machines (5 / 25 / 75 / 150 / 300)
- Thank the bus driver (10 / 25 / 50 / 100 / 200)
Completing these Milestones will earn you a lot of extra experience points. The bright side here is that you don’t have to go for them outside of normal gameplay specifically. You can be knocking these down while chasing other more intentional means of earning experience points like the quests and challenges.
The best way to earn XP in Fortnite
Perhaps the best way to earn XP in Fortnite is to get those sweet, sweet Victory Royales. It’s the point of Fortnite, after all; it’s expected that the most rewarding screen would warrant the most rewarding experience (pun intended.) However, it can be super hard to consistently get Victory Royale screens if you aren’t playing 8 hours a day like some of your favorite Fortnite streamers and content creators.
It’s okay to have a family and lives and school work to complete because there are solutions out there to help you boost your accounts super fast and climb the ranks. That’s where comes to the rescue.
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