Amazon Brand Registry 101

Utilizing the Amazon brand registry is a must if you want to sell your own brand on the website. Aside from protecting your revenue from brand abusers, you also protect your reputation and shield your customers from possibly substandard products.
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A lot of newbie sellers often shun away from the whole ordeal. Even though they recognize the need for brand protection and that it is indeed a challenge to drive away potential abusers, the reluctance is always slow to abate. But, rest assured, the process is actually quite simple and you can get it up and running as easy as registering your own products. What you should focus on is to make sure that you have a firm grasp on the fundamentals.
To simplify things, think of your main aim as the organizing of your brand on the Amazon platform. This may seem overly simple but having a clear bird’s eye view on your list of products and how it is seen alongside other brands on the site, lets you monitor activities that can affect your business. There are quite a few things that the Amazon brand registry can do for you so make sure that you look at some of its benefits which might just be the solution for what you have been worrying about.
The saying that the customer is always right should always come with a caveat, or at least a clarification. That is, not everyone who acts as if he or she is a customer is actually a customer. There are those whom we call nefarious customers and they can put a dent on your product’s and, indeed, your business reputation. The world of commerce is a world of competition. You only have to look a little bit left and right of even the smallest boutique to know that there will always be someone ready to take your revenue should you make a misstep.
Competition is all well and good, such as the intent of capitalism but once some of the competitors take underhanded approaches to get ahead then this is a cause for concern. The greatest fear of innovators when putting their product on display for all the world to see through a one-way mirror called the internet is the everlasting danger of brand abuse. Innovation is rewarded by royalties and the sole ownership of that concept or idea. Other than having to come up with new things to sell, they must also spend quite a bit to get the trademark or patent. More than just the idea, these brand abusers are also deemed worthless the expenses that businesses had to pay to get legal ownership of the innovation.
Hijacking a brand is not unheard even before the Amazon platform sprung to life. There had been many cases of copyright infringement that lined up both the pockets of the offending parties if not caught, and the lawyers if they were. The online selling platform allowed for theft of ideas in the comfort of their homes and in a computer efficient manner.
If you wish to have protection from nefarious parties pretending to be legitimate buyers, you may want to register your product with the Amazon Brand Registry. This way you will gain the sole ownership of the product’s Buy Box. This means that should other people do indeed try to abuse your brand, Amazon will be quick to act on it and make sure that they will have their ability to use the platform revoked.
Another cause of concern here that may just push you to register your product is that the abusers can actually beat you to the punch. Imagine if the brand abusers are able to register the product in the registry faster than you. The whole process of proving yourself against your competitors would become much more tedious than what it should be. That is why registry is important and you should do it as early on as possible.
Using Amazon Brand Registry to Control Listing Content
Another point of emphasis in registering your product in on the topic of listing content. The listing content is your product line up that will display on their site whenever users try to browse your page or if a search matches your product’s criterion. Control over how these are displayed is extremely vital to ensure that you have a successful online store experience. Without proper registry, your products are left at the mercy of the algorithmic defaults that Amazon has set up. This could lead to your products being under-noticed and can fail your entire endeavor.
Once you have properly set up your registry, Amazon will recognize that you are willing to play by their rules and give you a bit more freedom on how to present your product to the website visitors and users. If you have not yet tried to set up your Amazon seller account, it may surprise you how little wiggle room you are given if you have not yet registered your products. Some of the most basic information about your products will not be directly modifiable and may become a nuisance. For instance, you will not be able to so easily change your product titles, details and even the images. If you have any experience selling in any other sites, you know that a carefully planned out product entry revolves around the descriptions and images that you attach to it.
Because Amazon basically controls which products are displayed for any user activity, the results may be unpredictable in the lens of the seller. This can become a problem when trying to gain product popularity which may lead you to advertise your product using other means. These means may come as additional expenses that are never always welcome especially if you are just starting up.
Using Amazon Brand Registry to Gain a Wider Market
If there is anything that business owners continue to look at, that is the ability to scale their operations. Because of the limited nature by which businesses can operate in a single location and the difficulty of opening multiple branches, businesses turn to online selling to improve their consumer base. It is never a good sign for businesses to give up expanding as other businesses may, at some point, succeed in getting their share of profit.
As have been mentioned, being registered in Amazon Brand Registry means an elevated trust between the system and you as a seller. You will be able to see opportunities open up that would not have been available to you otherwise.